Monday 26 March 2018

New Story - Twenty Four Hours

Good evening everyone.

I'm posting a couple of days later than I anticipated as real life got in the way of my posting schedule. Anyway, I've finally managed it and tonight I present the Prologue and first chapter of Twenty Four Hours (also known as '... the flowering of Severus Snape' by my wonderful beta, Mamacita).

Hermione and her team have spent two long and unsuccessful years working on finding a potion to cure a mysterious epidemic that has been spreading throughout the wizarding world, collaborating with everyone who might possibly be able to help. Now only one person remains to ask, the one most likely to be able to solve the problem but also the least likely to want to help. The question is, is Hermione willing to pay the price to get the help she so badly needs?

Although there isn't much, there is some bad language and a couple of relatively graphic sex scenes so I think it's a bit too lemony for FFNet and I am therefore posting it on AFF.Org which means it's over-18s only, I'm afraid.

I hope you enjoy the story and as always would appreciate comments, reviews and kudos. 

I'll see you next weekend when I shall be surrounded by chocolate (I hope).


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